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General information Mentalis is a facial muscle situated in the chin. Along with the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, levator labii superioris, levator anguli oris, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, risorius, depressor labii...

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Mid Scalene

General information The mid scalene descends upon the vertebral column and is an accessory muscle for respiration. Literal meaning The middle muscle of the group of muscles making up a triangle shape. Interesting information The mid...

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General information Mylohyoid is the muscle that begins at the jaw and extends toward the hyoid bone. Literal meaning The U-shaped grinder. Interesting information Mylohyoid is a triangular-shaped skeletal muscle located between the jawbone...

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General information Multifidus is the muscle running the length of the spine that allows for rotation, extension, and lateral movement. Literal meaning Split into many parts. Interesting information Multifidus is composed of several regions...

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General information Nasalis is a paired muscle covering the dorsum of the nose. There are two parts to this muscle, the alar and transverse parts. The alar part is also known as the dilator naris posterior, and the transverse part otherwise...

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Lumbricals (hand)

General information Lumbrical hand muscles are unique because they attach to tendons instead of bone. These tendons are the flexor digitorum profundus and the extensor expansions. Literal meaning Worm muscle. Interesting information The...

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Lumbricals (foot)

General information Lumbrical foot muscles start at the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus and end at the tendons that go inside the lesser toes. Literal meaning Worm muscle. Interesting information Lumbrical foot muscles are comprised...

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Longus Colli

General information Longus colli is located on the anterior surface of the vertebral column, between the atlas and the third thoracic vertebra. Literal meaning The long neck. Interesting information Longus colli is a long skeletal muscle of...

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Longus Capitis

General information Longus capitis is a deep, neck muscle situated anteriorly to the cervical spine. The prevertebral layer of neck muscles is comprised of the longus capitis, the rectus capitis anterior, rectus capitis lateralis, longus...

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Longissimus Thoracis

General information The longissimus muscles are long intrinsic muscles in the back and form the erector spinae together with the spinalis and iliocostalis. Longissimus thoracis is the longest, thickest, and most central of the erector...

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Longissimus Cervicis

General information The Longissimus muscle is the middle part and biggest chunk of the erector spinae muscles and sits lateral to the spinalis. The muscle is divided into three parts, depending on the where the muscle sits along the spine:...

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Longissimus Capitis

General information Longissimus capitis is the part of the longest muscle of the neck, which serves to rotate the head from side to side and extend the head. Literal meaning The longest [muscle] of the head. Interesting information...