General information Extensor digiti minimi is a slender forearm muscle situated on the ulnar side of extensor digitorum. The muscles of the forearm can be divided into two functional groups, supinators (extensors) and pronators (flexors)....
Hand/Fingers/Thumb articles
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General information Extensor digitorum is a muscle of the posterior forearm and is sometimes referred to as extensor digitorum communis. Literal meaning The muscle that extends the fingers. Interesting information Due to the location and...
General information The Latin name musculus extensor indicis refers to the extensor indicis (proprius) muscle, a long, slender, striated muscle tissue that assists in the movement and support of the skeleton. It is located deep in the upper...
General information The extensor pollicis longus serves to extend the thumb phalanx. The abductor pollicis brevis and adductor pollicis are both attached to the extensor pollicis longus tendon and can extend the interphalangeal joint of the...
General information Extensor pollicis brevis is a short, slender muscle situated in the forearm’s posterior compartment. The deep forearm extensors consist of the extensor pollicis brevis, supinator, abductor pollicis longus, extensor...
General information Dorsal interossei of the hand are four muscles on the back of each hand. There are four dorsal interossei muscles in each hand. These match the palmar interossei muscles that sit on the front side of the hand (palm)....
General information The adductor pollicis is one of 38 muscles which control the human hand. Literal meaning Long muscle which brings the thumb closer to the midline of the hand. Interesting information The adductor pollicis is a fan-shaped...
General information The abductor pollicis longus muscle is one of 20 muscles located in the human forearm. Literal meaning Long muscle which moves the thumb away from the midline of the hand. Interesting information Though the primary...
General information The abductor pollicis brevis is a small muscle in the hand which serves to aid in abduction of the thumb, as well as providing a lesser degree of assistance in opposing and extending the thumb. Literal meaning Short...
General information The abductor digiti minimi is a muscle whose primary function is to move the little finger laterally away (abduct) from the rest of the fingers. It is located on the ulnar side of the palm of the hand, forming the ulnar...
Jersey finger is an injury to one of the different finger tendons. Most of the time, athletes will sustain this injury while participating in sports that require tackling like rugby or football. While the athlete is trying to grab the other...
Finger sprains are injuries to your ligaments or any one of the three joints within the finger. Since these injuries are often referred to as jammed fingers, it only makes sense that they are caused by jamming the finger into another...