The thighbone (femur) is the longest bone found in the body. Since the femur is so strong, it will take a great deal of force to break this bone. A car crash is one of the main causes of a femoral fracture. The straight, long part of the...
Hip articles
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Hip adductor muscles are sometimes called your “groin” muscles, and a hip adductor strain can be called a groin strain. There are three muscles located on the inside of the leg. Hip adductor strains tend to occur when the tendons or the...
Hip osteoarthritis literally means wear and tear to the hip joint, or hip joint degeneration. Similar to other joints carrying your weight, the hips are prone to wear-and-tear arthritis. The glistening and smooth cartilage at the end of the...
Femoral nerve entrapment is the pinching of the femoral nerve at some point along its course. Most often, that occurs at the spine. Pinching of the femoral nerve will cause pain, numbness or weakness felt in the front of the thigh. Most of...
Bowed leg tends to be quite common in toddlers. When the child with bowed legs stands with their feet together, there is a large space between the knees and the lower legs. It could be the direct result of one or both legs curving...
Hamstring injuries are at the high incidence rate in various field sports which require powerful accelerations, deceleration or explosive movements, in every year around the world. American football, Australian rules, Soccer, rugby union,...
Muscle strains are quite common, especially in those who are active in sports. There are three main sets of muscles in the thigh: the quadriceps in the front of the thigh, the hamstring muscles at the back of the thigh and the adductor...
The adductor muscles are a group of three thin muscles that run along the inside of the thigh. They are known as adductor magnus, adductor minimus and adductor brevis. These muscles are skeletal muscles, and they function to pull your leg...
Adductor tendinopathy is a condition that is characterized by damage to the tissue and an inflammation of the adductor tendon where it attaches to the pelvis, which leads to groin pan. When it comes to the adductor muscles, they are...