Adductor Brevis

Posted on 21st Jul 2020 / Published in: Hip

General information

Adductor brevis is a flat, triangular muscle located in the medial thigh. With 4 other muscles it makes up the thigh Adductors, the others being the adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis and pectineus muscles.

Literal meaning

The short muscle that leads (the bone it moves) toward (the midline).

Interesting information

Adductor brevis is the shortest muscle of the adductor group and also the weakest.

The adductors pull the legs towards the midline when walking, allowing maintenance of balance. Therefore, they are important for balancing the pelvis when standing and walking.


Lateral (outer) surface of inferior ramus of pubis.


Proximal portion of linea aspera.


Hip adduction and Hip flexion. Depending on position: Rotates the femur laterally or medially.

Nerve supply

Anterior and posterior branches of the obturator nerve (L3-4).

Blood supply

Deep femoral artery.

Adductor Brevis

Relevant research

None focussing solely on adductor brevis.

Adductor brevis exercises


Adductor goof ball squeeze sitting

Adductor goof ball squeeze sitting

Seated, put the ball between your knees and squeeze.


Adductor stretch standing

Adductor stretch standing

Standing with your feet wide apart, lean towards one side, you should feel this stretch on the inside of your leg.

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