Extensor Hallucis Brevis
Posted on 23rd Jul 2020 / Published in: Toe

General information
Extensor hallucis brevis is a short muscle in the dorsum of the foot, and with the extensor digitorum brevis, it forms the dorsal foot muscles group.
Literal meaning
The short muscle that straightens the big toe.
Interesting information
Occasionally, the fibres of these two muscles come together and fuse, to make a single muscle which performs toe extension.
Superolateral surface of calcaneus bone.
Proximal phalanx of great toe.
1st Metatarsophalangeal joint: Toe extension.
Nerve supply
Deep fibular/peroneal nerve (S1, S2).
Blood supply
Dorsal artery of foot.
Relevant research
Not applicable.
Extensor hallucis brevis exercises
Big toe extension band
Place a resistance band around the big toe and pull your toe in an upwards direction.
Big toe stretch
Place the big toe over the edge of a step and lower the foot down to bend your big toe in the upwards direction and then hold the stretch.
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